Sunday 24 May 2015

Dubai trying to build an under water tennis court


Krzysztof Kotala the Master of science in architecture from Krakow Polyethnic want to make his dream true to built an under sea water tennis court.

First he built a tennis court at the top of Burj-ul- Arab the world highest building and the world's only seven star hotel. And now he wants to build an under sea water tennis court.

He choosed because Dubai for this project because it is one of the richest city in the world. This ridiculous plan of an under water tennis court includes a giant piece of glass laying at the bottom of wealthy Persian gulf. This tennis court will made between Burj-ul-Arab(worlds only seven star hotel) and Palm Jumeirah island(the worlds most expensive palm tree). 

The engineers said that it is almost impossible to built an under water tennis court.
What do you think? Is it possible to build that court under the sea water?


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