Thursday 28 May 2015

Coutinho is best for Barcelona-Ronaldinho

Former player of Barcelona and a Brazilian star said that Philippe Coutinho Liverpool's player has all the qualities which Barcelona looking for and he is perfect player for Barcelona FC.
Coutinho was the Liverpool player of the year this season.

Coutinho is one of those few players of Liverpool who impressed in 2014/15 season by scoring some great goals and mostly goal were against Southampton,Bolton and Manchester City.

Ronaldinho quoted that:
"HE(Coutinho) has had a fantastic season-he has been one of the best midfield players in Europe-and when you think he has been playing in a team that has not been performing well that is an even bigger achievement.
"I can't speak for him and I can't speak for barcelona-but I know what Barcelona look for in a player and he has all qualities.
"After all those years at the club Xavi has left and Iniesta is now in his 30's-they will need to address that. That is why I think Barcelona and Coutinho would be the perfect fit.
"Playing with great players makes you better, I know that. Not only would be win trophies with Barcelona, but playing with Neymar, Messi, Suarez and Iniesta is going to make him a better player."

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