Sunday 24 May 2015

5 best signing of BPL this season

1.Esteban Cambiasso: He transfer free to Leicester City this season. His arrival to Leicester City was something of a throw back to the mid 90's of pulse raising Premier League transfer coups. The 34 year old midfielder master mind performances have been a key to Leicester City which took Leicester City out of relegation zone.

2.Alexis Sanchez: He transfered to Arsenal from Barcelona in £35 million this season. Barcalys Premier League has rarely a players which are quick and effective like Alexis Sanchez. He scored 24 goals in 50 appearances in his first season of Arsenal. His outstanding goals and assists given Arsenal fans a belief that they can challenge a title of BPL in the next coming seasons.

3.Cesc Fabregas: He transfered from Barcelona to chelsea this season in £27 million. He performed at the highest level in the season. He was the play maker from Chelsea throughout the season and played a key role in winning BPL title. He made many assists and some goals in premier league and his target is to broke Thierry Henry 12 year old Record of assists in BPL.

4.Lukas Fabianski: He was transfered from Arsenal to Swansea City without any cost. He has a genuine chance to win Golden Glove because of his most clean sheets. If he did it then it would be a very big accomplishment for a keeper who had free transfer.

5.Aaron Cresswell: He was tranfered from Ipswich to West Ham United this season in £3.5 million. No doubt his tranfer was one of the best transfer this year. West Ham best player and hammer of the year were the awards he was awarded. His performance at left back have been so assured that the club given valuation of £20 millions.


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